How To Remove A Lens Stuck In Your Eye?

Almost every user of contact lenses has had one stuck in their eye. When it happens for the first time, people tend to panic but in reality it’s no big deal. So how should you proceed if your contact lens gets stuck? Here are a few tips courtesy of AllAboutVision.

It is usually soft lenses that get stuck in the eye. Before you attempt removal, make sure your hands are spotlessly clean. Your next step is to locate the lens. If it is stuck in its proper place on the cornea, chances are that the problem is caused by the lens drying out. This may be the outcome if you fall asleep with your contacts on.

What you should do is apply sterile solution or eye wetting drops to the eye and lens. Then close your eye and massage it until the lens starts moving. If this doesn’t work at the first attempt, repeat the procedure a few times and remember to blink frequently. Once the lens starts moving, take it out in the usual manner.

If you feel discomfort in the eye after removal, you should lubricate the eye with artificial tears or a sterile saline solution. If you get a red eye, visit your doctor as soon as possible because the problem may be corneal abrasion and that could require medical attention.

If the lens is not stuck in the centre of the eye, decide where it may be and look in the opposite direction: if, for example, you think it is trapped under your upper lid, then look down. Massage the eyelid and keep blinking in order to push the lens out and towards the centre of the eye. Again, don’t forget to use sterile saline or re-wetting drops if needed.


Eyecontacts is located on the beautiful Gold Coast in sunny Queensland Australia and we are proudly Australia's preferred contact lens shop. We offer an easy secure direct-to-patient service for prescription contact lenses. Our range of products include the most popular brands of contact lenses at competitive affordable prices and whilst providing exceptional customer service.