Aging Eyes: How To Keep Them Healthy

Medical advances have made it possible for people to enjoy good health in their old age. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to prevent some eye problems common among older people, for example macular degeneration and cataracts. However, lifestyle changes can help seniors delay the onset of vision problems and sometimes even prevent them. In an article for AllAboutVision, certified nutrition specialist Shereen Jegtvig provides tips on diet, as well as some other measures older people can take to keep their eyes as healthy as possible.

What we eat has far-reaching implications for our health in general and our eyes are also affected by our food choices. It is extremely important for older people to embrace a diet high on vitamins, minerals, healthy proteins, omega-3 fatty acids and lutein. This means consuming large quantities of fruits and vegetables, choosing whole grains, avoiding sodium and staying well hydrated. But a healthy diet may not by itself ensure maximum eye health protection. To enhance its effect, older adults should also consider eye vitamins and vision supplements.

In addition to making the right food choices, older people also need to make sure that they keep away from intense UV light. Smoking also contributes to eye health problems, so quitting is the best thing to do. It is equally important to undergo regular physical examinations since they could bring to light chronic conditions that lead to vision problems. And, of course, the importance of regular eye exams cannot be stressed enough: they are critical for ensuring good eye health in older adults.


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