Daily Disposables Can Help Address Problems Experienced By Soft CL Wearers

Patients who experience difficulties with their soft contact lenses can benefit from switching to daily disposable lenses, Healio has reported, citing the findings of a Vistakon study.

The results were announced at the recent meeting of the the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. According to Vistakon, daily disposables result in better compliance, ease of use and comfort for people who encounter problems with wearing soft contact lenses.

Vistakon enlisted 611 lens wearers for its study, asking them to complete a Contact Lens Dry Eye Questionnaire (CLDEQ-8) at registration. The participants did it again two weeks after the start of the study and a third time four months after registration. Within the study group, 381 people used reusable silicone hydrogel lenses, 169 were habitual users of daily disposable hydrogels and 61 had been fitted with reusable hydrogels.

The analysis of the questionnaires completed after the second week showed a significant improvement in scores. The final check revealed relative stability in the progress made over the four months of the study.

The figures provided by Vistakon strongly support the idea that daily disposable lenses can help address certain problems people experience with their habitual lenses. The results showed that over 90% of contact lens wearers refitted with daily disposables described their compliance as “excellent” or “very good” at the end of the study, regardless of the lens type they habitually wore. In addition, 96% of participants said that the daily disposable lenses used in the study (1-Day Acuvue TruEye or 1-Day Acuvue Moist) were “extremely easy” or “very easy” to use.


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