Eye Contacts Reviews - Customer Feedback

Customer Testimonials

Have ordered from EYECONTACTS many times and have always been pleased with the service and price. Recommended lots of my friends. :)... Jennifer, Sydney

Awesome value, quick shipping and no minimum. I received my lenses on the 3rd business day. The shipment was exactly as ordered. ... Brayden, Melbourne

Terrific service, always quick and easy to reorder. Highly recommend. Have been a customer for years and do not see me changing anytime soon.... Rebecca, Sydney

Excellent service! Great prices! ... Annette, Brisbane

"Thank you (: BTW, for years you guys have always provided great service "... Mike

"Oh wow! that was quick just got my parcel thanks made me smile this morning! since I got out of the wrong side of bed with Melbourne’s bipolar cold weather today, cheers! "... Paris S

"Hey Customer Service, Good service, thanks. I just couldn't shop elsewhere anyways; I just love the service too much :) "...A D

"I have been purchasing from eyecontacts for quite a few years now and recommended you to many friends due to your good pricing and great customer service. Keep up the good work." ... Janet M

"Hi guys, Thanks so much! My delivery has already arrived. Please let me know if you would like me to add a review somewhere. I would highly recommend your service and will be letting my friends and family know." ...Catherine

"Thank you. Lenses arrived today. Fabulous service." ... Sue W

"Hi Guys, Thank You so very much for such a prompt service. You guys are amazing :-) .... Sammy

"Thank you very much for your wonderful customer service, I did receive my lenses yesterday and am very grateful." ....Jacqui

"Hi, I just wanted to say I am always very happy with your service. I tried 2 other places due to referrals and specials and was very unhappy as they took over 3 weeks to deliver the contacts. I am very happy with your delivery and service and will continue to be a customer :)" .... Alexandra

Thanks. As usual, your service is impeccable. Thanks again. ....Alex

That is awesome thank you so much for the fast turn around!! Merry Christmas ....Mark,

Thankyou for such a speedy delivery got them the next day , blew me away how quick they arrived..... WAYNE M

Contacts arrived last Friday, just wanted to thank you for such efficient service. ....Simone

Hi, Just wanted to thank you for a super speedy delivery. I ordered my lenses yesterday morning and they've already arrived in Melbourne before lunch!

I'd be happy to recommend your company to anyone.... Glenn

Would like to say a massive THANK YOU for a very fast shipment!... Kelly

Hello, Just a note to say that my parcel was waiting when I arrived home today, so many thanks for being so efficient. Warm regards... Judy

Thank you to all our customers for your positive feedback.